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Wheelwright Clinic

$950.00 CAD

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SKU: WWC2025

Growing up, did your family have a wooden wagon wheel around the yard? You know the one I’m talking about - the weathered wood was faded and “authentic”, leaning up against a fence or a rock at the end of your driveway. If only they could tell us about their adventures… the stories they would have.

Have you ever marvelled at the craftsmanship of a wood-spoked wheel? Have you ever wondered how they are built and what tools and skills are involved?

Here’s your chance to participate in a 2-day, hands-on experience that will guide you through the entire process of wheel building. No prior experience is required—just a keen interest and desire to learn.

Dates: Saturday and Sunday, March 22nd and March 23, 2025.

Cost is $950 CAD and includes everything you’ll need:

  • Training and hands-on experience over two full days

  • Full use of our shop, tools and supplies

  • All materials required to build your own wood-spoked wheel

  • A copy of Wheelwrighting: A Modern Introduction by Bruce and Joyce Morrison (your choice of 1st or 2nd edition)

Buy a copy here

Enrollment is limited to 8 people to ensure everyone has the best possible experience.

Your instructors are certified wheelwrights with over 20 years of experience and (more importantly) thousands of wheels built. You’ll benefit from their expertise as you learn the many skills involved in building your own wood-spoked wheel to take home with you, including:

  • Introduction to wood-spoked wheels

  • Axle alignment

  • Overview of common wheel hubs

  • Types of wood spokes

  • Preparing the wood spokes

  • Fitting the fellows (rim)

  • How to fit a steel tire

  • How to fit a rubber tire

A $250 deposit is required to hold your space.

Alberta Carriage Supply looks forward to providing you with a great 2-day experience. One that you won’t soon forget!